Earlier in the semester, Fernanda developed a visual analysis essay that focused upon a tattoo. The essay was both analytical and deeply personal. Fernanda shared her experience with bone cancer at an early age. Her choice for a tattoo reflected her desire to always remember the struggle she went through. Here, in her community profile, Fernanda revisits the hospital where she received treatment. Her writing combines an interview with one of her nurses with research on our campus databases. She provides important insight for other cancer patients and the people who love them: The best path to healing is through sharing our stories with one another.
To see Fernanda's complete Community Profile, please click on the following link: https://www.ivcborderline.org/2018/12/cancer-in-young-patients-what-goes-on-behind-the-curtain-complete-essay-by-fernanda-gomezllanos-engl.html
To see an uplifting message in support of children with cancer, please click on the following video: