During the war the Allies were searching for ways to deceive the German forces so that they could attack other countries such as Normandy. The United States came up with a great plan called Quicksilver I, which was the first U.S. army group called the FUSAG, they were stationed in south-east England and commanded by Gen. George Patton. General Patton was the worst fear for the Germans, they saw him as someone who knew what he was doing and seeing him do this plan was their biggest concern. Formerly, Patton was asked what he believed when they introduced the last-minute plan, this is what he had to say, “A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week” (Patton 1945). This made sense in many ways, the
group and plan Quicksilver were something used to deceive the German Forces and help the Allies attack Normandy. This plan contributed to the victory of D-Day. The way Patton and his soldiers were able to get into character and fool the Germans was something amazing. The plan, Quicksilver created a fake army which the Germans will begin to observe in detail, making Hitler believe that the Allies were going to attack from Belgium instead of Normandy. Overall general Patton was able to fool the Germans and help the Allies win the war.
The beginning of the movie introduces the attack of Normandy. The soldiers are transported by boat while there are planes flying by and attacking the beach before the boats land. As the soldiers are getting closer, we can see how the German forces are found and how they will defend this part of the beach. As soldiers arrive, they are being shot by German forces found on the beach, we get to see how the attack began before the Allied soldiers were able to reach the beach. Some soldiers were forced to jump out of the boats they were being transported to, then the attack began. Many soldiers were killed before they could get off the boat, the beach was full of holes, there were Czech hedgehogs, mines all over the beach. It seemed like a nightmare to be there, some soldiers were helping others who were injured, this was what it felt to be in Normandy when D-Day started, chaos everywhere you looked. This was one of the most historically exact scenes we get to see during the whole movie. One of the few survivors had said that he does not see beaches the same, we can see how he feels when he says, “Where tourists and vacationers see pleasant waves, I see the faces of drowning men,”. Soldiers had to go through hell and can see how Lambert feels about war when he wrote, “The noise of war does more than deafen you it’s worse than shock, more physical than something thumping against your chest. It pounds your bones, rumbling through your organs, counter-beating your heart. Your skull vibrates. You feel the noise as if it’s inside you, a demonic parasite pushing at every inch of skin to get out.”