Note from the Editor:
Dear IVC Community,
My name is Jay Lewenstein, and I try to write something every day. We all have our anxieties about writing essays, but if we really think about it, we all have something to say. My students are unique individuals that come from diverse backgrounds. In classroom workshops, my hope is for students to develop the confidence and skill to freely express themselves.
At the end of the semester, none of us offer any definitive answers to what we have read, but we all see the progress in our writing from where we started. We write about what we know. We lay out our fears and hopes and dreams. If we can write with a compassionate understanding for our subjects and topics, that’s pretty good. Below I’ve arranged and framed excerpts of our most recent writing.
* To expand the size of the type for easier reading, please CLICK twice.
* To read the complete essays, follow the links provided underneath.
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