Professor Lewenstein
English 009
13 July 2017
Howie Mandel's Good Clean Fun: Not So Clean, and Not So Fun
The article “Howie’s Good Clean Fun" tells us how OCD put comic and tv host Howie Mandell at odds with the worl. When Howie Mandel accidentally said he had issues with OCD on a radio show, he regretted that because he thought his life was over. He felt so embarrassed that he thought his career was over. Personally, if I had a mental illness like him I would've kept it a secret. Even though keeping they secret would keep you happy, it could put you in a bad spot once you reveal it. Mandel believed that people wouldn't see him the same way. Therefore, he thought his career was over. Yes, that could've been true. I mean, people that saw him as the perfect guy may have different thoughts now. In fact, none of that happened. Howie finished the article by saying: “Now I know it had just begun. It wasn't a secret anymore, so it lost some of the darkest parts of its power (2). This says a lot. His secret is out and his OCD became more controlled. Now he realized his life didn't end, but a new one just started. Luckily, Howie Mandel was able to learn how to control his OCD, but it wasn’t easy. A lot of people get affected by this daily throughout their whole life. Some are able to control it, but many people can’t and it makes their life miserable. This is a very though mental illness and I am thankful that I never got something like this. OCD is very hard to live with and it could ruin your life.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder is formerly considered to be a type of anxiety disorder. This type of mental disorder is becoming very common. OCD is a disabling illness that traps people in endless cycles of repetitive thoughts and behaviors. People with OCD are plagued by recurring thoughts, fears, or images that they can’t control. The anxiety created by these thoughts make them perform certain rituals or routines. They make this ritual or routines to prevent the obsessive thought or make them go away. This OCD cycles can take up hours of the persons day and will interfere with their daily activities. It has been estimated that approximately 2.3% of the population between ages 18-54 suffer from OCD. The current number in the US approximate 3.3 million people suffer from OCD. OCD can be found in all ethnic groups and it affects women and men equally. However, in children, OCD seems to be more prevalent in boys (Veale, David, and Alison Roberts 2). They also say that people living in developed countries are prevalent to OCD than those who are living in a developing country.
There is no real know cause for OCD. Although the reason is not known, studies show that biological and environmental factors may be involved. Now, scientist think that OCD arises from problems in a pathway of the brain. That pathway links areas dealing with judgment and planning with another area that filters messages involving body movement. Studies also show that OCD symptoms can be passed on by parents to their children. This means that the biological vulnerability to develop OCD can be inherited. Now environmental factors are also involved with OCD. Some factors are abuse, changes in living situations, illness, death of a loved one, and other life problems. These types of factors can worsen the symptoms, and it will just make OCD worse. If OCD is left untreated it will affect the person a lot. It will affect them with their daily function, relationships, success in school, ability to work, and their mental health. There isn’t much treatment but behavioral therapy and medication help a lot (Veale, David, and Alison Roberts 6). Behavioral therapy can help you gradually confront feared objects or ideas, either directly or by imagination. Medications are used to treat the obsession, anxiety, distress, and other mental disorder. Surgical procedures are not a treatment option for obsessive-compulsive disorder. Although, researchers have examined a treatment called cingulotomy, a type of brain surgery. In one study, some patients, who were not responding well to medication and therapy, were partially better after surgery.
Since he was a kid Howie Mandel was obsessed with germs and cleaning and taking showers several times right after another. Now that he is all grown up he still deals with these problems and he doesn’t like them. He says that OCD is very uncomfortable, hard to deal with, and sometimes even embarrassing. Howie Mandel thought about ending his career because he felt embarrassed of his mental health condition. OCD has even affected his life with his family. At some points, he couldn’t be around them. Through his whole life Howie Mandel had been hiding his OCD problem. He accidentally told the world while he was on a radio show. He said it because something had happened on set that froze him up in panic. When this happened, he thought that his career was over because people had found out that he had a mental disorder. He also felt that he had embarrassed his whole family because of his mental disorder. Now that time has passed he chose to write a book about his life with OCD, and he also does public speaking to raise awareness.
In conclusion, I chose to write of Obsessive-compulsive disorder because it’s a very interesting topic and I wanted to learn more about it. I wanted to find out what caused OCD and if there was any cure for it. Since we had to include a celebrity that has this mental illness I chose one of my favorite comedians named Howie Mandel. This project gave me the chance to fully understand how to do good research. While doing my research I had to look for good information, quotes, and main ideas. This helped a lot because when it came time to start my essay I already had good information that looks perfect in my writing. In class, we also did an activity where we had to answer six research questions, and that helped me collect more information. At first, I thought it was going to be hard because I didn’t know how to collect information from articles right. I followed the steps our professor gave us on how to get the most important stuff from an article. Now that I’ve done these activities to help come up with a good research essay, I would use these steps to do another research essay.
Works Cited
Veale, David, and Alison Roberts. "Obsessive-compulsive disorder." ProQuest. British medical Journal; London 348, 07 Apr. 2014. Web.
"Howie’s good clean fun; comic and tv hosts book tells how OCD put him at odds with the world."ProQuest. Toronto Star; Toronto, Ont., 05 Dec. 2009. Web.
Lofaro, Tony. "The real deal with Howie Mandel; Comedian reveals struggle with mental disorder."ProQuest. The Ottawa Citizen; Ottawa, Ont., 19 Nov. 2009. Web.
Brownstein, Bill. "Mandel’s- father and son- join to promote mental health; Howie and Alex, both with OCD, share stage at fundraiser for AMI." ProQuest. Montreal Gazette; Montreal, Que., 19 Oct. 2016. Web.
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