In 1923 Rudy Valentino and Natacha Rambova wanted to get married in the worst way! But Rudy had just divorced, and he had signed morality clause in his contract that prevented him from marrying so soon. In fact, according to California law, a full year had to elapse before either divorcing party could rewed. For Rudy and Natacha, they just couldn’t wait. Like one of the hot-blooded characters Rudy plays on screen, he put Natacha in his car and motored through the night to Mexicali to marry her there.
Here I’m asking my students to write a visual analysis to supplement their writing projects. They need to find an image that adds special meaning to their discussion. Rudy and Natacha worked together in “The Son of the Shiek.” The imagery on the promotional poster may reflect the burning passion and spirit of adventure the couple shared in real life.